
  This Empaths Journey In these unpredictable times we are all going through, not knowing what to believe. Let me share a little of what keeps me at peace. First turn off your news, that's asking someone to tell you what to believe and the media is doing just that. Stop going into the fear of what might happen. That will always take you down a spiral. Things are changing and will continue to surprise all of us in what is happening in the world. But it is all necessary to bring in the change this world needs to give everyone a better life. I know you've heard this before but it is very true and important for you to take each day at a time. If you are just waking up and have a lot of questions, do your research, but remember to use your discernment. If the information puts you in fear or doesn't resonate with you, let it go. Stay positive, look at things and try to understand why it's happening. I am still working on my reaction to those who are so deep into the fear of i